Saturday, 3 August 2013

grape vine gone wild

hello boys

We have had lots and lots of rain and lots and lots of hot sunshine and the grape vine has gone wild. The vine should be running along the wooden beams but they have grown so many leaves so quickly that it has become so heavy, its all hanging down covering the chair and table where I sit sometimes......I think I need some help to fix it don't you?

Tao do you remember last year picking some blackcurrants for Grandma Janet ? 
this is the currant bush you picked them from.
I now have a cherry but the birds think the cherries are for them and I haven't tasted one yet ! The pear tree has some little pears on it and the plum tree just likes to grow leaves at the moment. The apple tree is going to be chopped  down like the trees across the road in the school field. tree 
My rhubarb has been ENORMOUS this year with all the rain and sunshine. 
I have 4 rainwater butts and a plastic dustbin, all full of rainwater for watering the plants when it stops raining so much.
I have lettuce, spinach, carrots and beetroot growing here. I eat lettuce, spinach and beetroot leaves in a salad 
Do you know what these are ? potatoes !

A new visitor to my garden, he really lives next door but likes to come and play in my garden. His name is Frank ! He always losing his collar, the first one he lost was yellow, then a stripey one,a pink one and now he has lost this blue one. His new one is orange.
A fox often comes in the garden but I don't always see him. 
Wonder how your garden is growing?
Bye bye boys....